Friday, March 6, 2020

Watch This! The italki Language Challenge Video

Watch This! The italki Language Challenge Video Brian Foley is one of our newest Community Tutors.  If we had a contest for best Teacher Introduction video, he would win it hands-down. We were so impressed with his video making ability, was asked if he might be able to make a Language Challenge video for us to which he enthusiastically said yes and created. We had no idea what he was going to create but were pleasantly surprised by this masterpiece! This video not only is hilarious to watch but it really inspires you to take the Language Challenge! Even though the Challenge has already begun, you can still join until June 15th! (youll just have to work extra hard to catch up!) Sign Up For the 2014 italki World Cup Language Challenge Brian is looking for new students now and he probably can do some video editing work should you need it as well. Watch This! The italki Language Challenge Video Brian Foley is one of our newest Community Tutors.  If we had a contest for best Teacher Introduction video, he would win it hands-down. We were so impressed with his video making ability, was asked if he might be able to make a Language Challenge video for us to which he enthusiastically said yes and created. We had no idea what he was going to create but were pleasantly surprised by this masterpiece! This video not only is hilarious to watch but it really inspires you to take the Language Challenge! Even though the Challenge has already begun, you can still join until June 15th! (youll just have to work extra hard to catch up!) Sign Up For the 2014 italki World Cup Language Challenge Brian is looking for new students now and he probably can do some video editing work should you need it as well.

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